... are important and essential for creating an appreciative and informative qualified employment reference:
On this page, we would like to examine the second point further – the assessment sheet.
The assessment sheet has many names (reference checklist, evaluation tool, reference preparation etc.) and is a detailed, standardized form for the evaluation of your employee. The overall aim here is to enable the superior undertaking the evaluation to assess their employee in an objective, comparable and transparent way, as possible, by means of the assessment sheet, resulting in a largely complete picture of the job, the person, their performance and their behavior.
The eventual reader of the employment reference is interested in a clear list – depicted from a corporate strategy viewpoint – of the most important tasks and responsibilities of the employee being evaluated.
Ask yourself: “What do I do?” and “Why do I do what I do?”
Please also consider that the job descriptions kept for your company-internal database or used for job advertisements are possibly suboptimal for an informative depiction suitable for employment
Based on our work as a reference agency of more than 15 years, we have developed an assessment sheet which ensures the creation of an individual employment reference. The information provided by
the superior gives us a personal profile which we translate into the corresponding wording in the reference language.
The superior’s overall impression of their employee is passed on to us by means of his individually differentiated and profiling evaluation. This enables us to visualize to employee’s personality
at their job.
The more detailed and intensive the evaluation by the superior in the assessment sheet, the more expressive the employment reference will be and the more worth a read it will be for the eventual
1 = outstanding, very good
2 = good
3 = satisfactory
4 = not satisfactory (took over the meaning of the previous grade 5 = inadequate/fail)
Please tick the overall evaluation on the right and the corresponding qualities in the middle column – PLEASE TAKE NOTE to only tick particularly pertinent qualities!
In 1530, certificates for proper separation („Atteste für ordnungsgemäßes Ausscheiden“) were introduced. Without such a certificate, a domestic worker was not able to
find new employment.
In 1846 Prussia, a so-called servant logbook („Gesindedienstbuch“) was in use. It held evaluations of the criteria diligence, loyalty, obedience, moral conduct and
honesty, which are still known as “Prussian virtues” („Preußische Tugenden”) today.
Today, we evaluate the employee in their job on the basis of the following criteria:
The excerpts given on this page will give you an impression of how our assessment sheet is structured. Upon request, we will gladly provide you with the full assessment sheet – in German and/or
in English, depending on your requirements.
The closing paragraph has special significance. Just as in a musical piece, it rounds off the overall statement. Regardless of the reason of separation and the individual assessment of the evaluator/superior, it expresses the company’s appreciation for the employee. In order for the “final chord” to be in harmony with the overall context, it should not differ too widely from the rest of the grades.
We recommend an accordance or a slightly better sound considering the jurisdiction, according to which the employee is entitled to a generous, vocationally advancing and future-securing
reference letter.
We therefore consider a grade 4 excluded as a matter of principle.